Investor sectorial, dedicated to the agri-food industry
Unigrains invests in agri-food and agro-industry companies since 1963, favoring close partnership relations with entrepreneurs and managers
- In the framework of strengthening equity (organic growth and/or acquisitions) and reorganizing shareholder structures (buying minority stakes, asset optimization, capital transmission)
equity tickets
- Investments between 2 and 100 million euro in equity and quasi-equity
- Ability to reinvest to support the growth of companies
- Possibility for co-investment alongside other partners
- Supporting companies of all sizes, in line with the calendar and constraints of their projects
- Modalities adapted to the company’s requirements (shares, convertible bonds, subscription warrants, etc.)
- Long-term oriented with a 5-8 year exit horizon
- Strong partnerships with entrepreneurs and management teams based on trust and the development of a shared, ambitious strategic growth plan
- Ethics and Responsibility Charter
- Extra-financial analysis matrix and monitoring
- Signatory of the PRI and the France Invest Responsible Investment Charter
Our sector
Unigrains’ investments cover all agri-food and related sectors
Agro-supplies, animal genetics, agricultural machinery, seeds, fertilizers and crop protection…
Primary processing
Grain collection & storage, fruits & vegetables, ingredients, meat, eggs, dairy products, malt-starch-sugar, milling, semolina, maïze…
Secondary processing
Delicatessen, frozen foods, beverages, bakery-pastry, cured meats, grocery…
Catherine, gardening, specialized distribution…
Related sectors
Logistics & transport, industrial equipment, cosmetics, health, food safety… Bioethanol, biomaterials, green chemicals, packaging…
European presence
Selection of partner-companies